Gryff Names - The Who is Who of Pottermore

Hey Lions!

Exciting news! We're going ahead and adding contact information to The List. No emails, just where to find our fellow Gryffs on other websites such as Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, and more. All information is voluntary, so you needn't add anything you don't want to share. AND REMEMBER: This is a public website, so information you share (besides your email address) will be visible to ANYONE. (This will all be reiterated on the Home Page.)

I was initially worried about encroaching on the intellectual property of OotL contacts, but some very helpful folks informed me that a) it was not inclusive of non-members and b) it's not even up anymore.

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to address another issue... It has come to my attention that some people may be sending in the information that is NOT their own and WITHOUT permission. Not cool, guys! I'm sure you're just trying to do a nice thing, but always, always, ALWAYS get permission first. It's just common courtesy. There's no way for us to verify the authenicity of every submission, so I'm asking you to get permission or don't do it at all. If you find your name added to our list without your knowledge, please contact us and it'll be removed.

On a lighter note, Gryff Names is gearing up to make an introduction of three very special individuals who work tirelessly to keep everyone informed of the progress of The List; Our owls. They'll be appearing on the Contact Us page in due time, but one of them has a whole preening process he needs to complete before he'll consent to posing for us, the vain li'l bugger.

Hopefully we'll get in more design changes (and the owl photo shoot) before next week. Graphic submissions are encouraged!

To Godric be the Glory!
Hey Lions!

Apparently there's a website that lists the contact information I had mentioned in my previous post: Order of the Lion Contacts! Damn, I was too slow! While I would prefer to have it all in one location, I don't want to step on anyone's toes. So I'm currently contemplating the future of this site. Still taking names, of course, but what else can we offer?

What are you looking for in a Pottermore-related site? What would you like to see here?

On a side note, I'm really curious about Wizarding Fashion. Not just the recreations of articles from the films, as impressive as they tend to be, but Designers that are going that step further to create a Look. If anyone is designing a collection for the modern day witch and wizard, I'd like to know about it. When I think of the Wizarding World, I usually default to Wacca (Warning: A few pictures in the gallery are NSFW), and that's something I want to see incorporated into Potter fandom.

To Godric be the Glory!
Welcome to The Lions' Den (aka the admins' blog)! Day 2 of Gryff Names and I'm pleased to say that we've made a great deal progress. I've successfully transferred all the names collected from "Gryffindor nicknames and tips" on Facebook, and even found the time to start tweaking the layout. It's still a work in progress, so any submissions for graphics (head banner and link badges, please) would be greatly appreciated.

Since we're at the beginning of this endeavor of maintaining a Gryffindor list, I'd like to take this moment to propose that we take it a step further. Let's add online contact information! Not email addresses, but social networking links, like Twitter, LiveJournal, and Facebook. How would we feel about that? I had been contemplating this before I started Gryff Names, but I wanted to get a feel of how The List would work before I tackled on anymore. Now I think we can do it!

Of course, all information is voluntary. In fact, I'm going to have to ask that no one send in someone else's information without their permission. And please remember that everything posted here is public, so be mindful about what information you share.

I'm hoping to get the Links page set up soon. Please send us any links you feel would be appropriate. I'd like to see what our fellow Gryffindors are up to, but I'd also like to link the lists of other Houses, if they have any.

To Godric be the Glory!