Gryff Names - The Who is Who of Pottermore
Hey Lions!

Clearly I shouldn't announce the deadlines I give myself when I can't stick by them. I should have known better. Wizards tend to get a little careless around this time end of the year, letting loose for the sake of the holidays. Halloween can be almost as hectic as Christmas, and creatures of all kinds respond to the excess magic in the air with restlessness.

The majority of work in the MoM's Beast Division is about pest control, but I still don't envy those in Misuse of Muggle Artifacts. Routing out the boggarts that find their way into muggle Haunted House mazes can be tedious, but I'd rather do that than hunt down an enchanted cauldron in a muggle store full of "trick" cauldrons before the next unexpecting muggle walks off with it.

So my apologies for the wait, but the site changes will happen when they happen, the owls' internet debut will be put on hold, and additions to The List may be slowed down some for the next few days. In the meantime, we've caught wind of a muggle adopting a runaway crup, and I'm the lucky one who gets to spend my weekend undercover to evaluate the damage and extract it. Awesome.

To Godric be the Glory!
1/25/2012 07:25:21 am

Nice post bro

1/25/2012 09:58:28 am

Many thanks for information

1/25/2012 07:12:21 pm

will come back soon

2/25/2012 03:33:00 pm

is before long

3/23/2012 01:47:05 am

Nice article bro

3/24/2012 02:46:48 am

will return shortly

3/28/2012 07:18:18 pm

nice post

3/29/2012 05:45:48 am

good post

7/11/2012 08:14:07 pm

good post

9/23/2012 09:03:46 pm

THX for info


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